Signature Non Surgical Facelift – Advanced technique using dermal fillers.

As we age, usually from the age of 28, naturally our body’s production of collagen and elastin slows down, and this affects the quality of the facial fat pads. As we age, the fat pads shrink and separate resulting in them to descend down due to the pull of gravity. This results in loss of fullness and flattening of our cheeks, hollowing around our temporal areas, hollowing around our peri-orbital areas. The fat then sits lower down and results in prominent nasolabial folds and jowling. By placing dermal filler in the fat pad area this restores the loss of volume and provides structure to the face giving it a slight lift. Dermal fillers contain a natural substance called hyaluronic acid. Longevity of dermal fillers is usually 6-18months, however, will last longer to those that are more hydrated. Some clients choose to have dermal fillers more regularly, this is down to patient choice and looking to contour their face further. All fillers used by AJ Aesthetics are CE marked and approved for use within the UK.