Non surgical rhinoplasty using dermal filler to shape and sculpt the nose to create a more symmetrical appearance.

For this procedure a tiny needle is used to inject small amounts of dermal filler precisely into the nose and sculpted to fill any imperfections.

This is a great temporary option for those that do not want to undergo surgery, the results are instant and no downtime to this procedure. However, filler can not reduce the size of the nose, straighten a wonky nose or make the nose more narrow. It is purely aimed to perfect the side profile.

Non surgical rhinoplasty is suitable for those with:

* A slightly crooked nose

* A small nose that requires building up

* A bumpy nose that requires straightening

* Noses with a dip at the nose bridge

* Noses with mild drooping of the nasal tip

Results from this treatment can last approximately 6 – 12 months.