Anti wrinkle injections using botulinum toxin are FDA approved for the frontalis, glabella and crows feet area.

Botulinum toxin is a product produced by bacterium clostridium botulinum, and is effective by temporarily paralysing the treated muscles. This happens by the toxin blocking the signals from the brain that tell them to move.

By relaxing the muscle enough to avoid movement, this can then stop lines forming with certain facial movements, for example frowning or raising the eyebrows. For clients that have lines at rest, this is caused by repetition of muscle movement over time and with age are present all the time. This treatment is effective to smooth out the lines but it must be noted that dependant on the depth of the line, they may not completely disappear. This is an excellent treatment for not only those lines visible with muscle movement, but it is also a great treatment for prevention of lines and wrinkles by stopping the repetition of muscles moving to then form lines at rest later in life.

It can take upto 14 days to see the full effects of anti wrinkle injections and as already stated may not completely get rid of every line, but will make a significant improvement. At around day ten your therapist will happily review your muscle movement and provide some before and after photos for you to see the difference. If there is muscle movement visible a small amount of additional toxin may be injected into the area, this will be down to the practitioners professional judgement.

Results can last upto 12 weeks and 12 weekly treatments are recommended for best results.

*please note that male muscles are dominantly alot stronger, therefore require more product, and will occur in a small additional charge.