Advanced anti wrinkle

Smokers Lines:

4 injection points above the upper lip to smooth out the vertical lines that have formed. depending on the depth they may not completely go.

Lip Flip:

4 injection points above the upper lip to relax the muscle so that the top lip slightly flips out, creating a fuller effect without the need of filler.

Brow Lift:

2 injection points, 1 in each brow to relax the muscle to enforce the upper forehead muscles to have a greater pulling effect, therefore slightly lifting the eyebrows.

Gummy Smile:

2 injection points between the lip and nose to relax the muscles that elevate the mouth, this will allow a person to smile without showing their gums.

Pixie Nose Lift:

1 injection point directly into the nasal tip to freeze the muscle that pulls the nose down.

Downturn Mouth:

2 injection points either side of the mouth to lift the mouth corners back up by relaxing the muscle that pulls the mouth down.

The longevity of these treatments vary depending on the area due to the frequency of muscle movement. For example, treatments of the mouth may not last as long due to excessive mouth movements for example talking and chewing.